Virtual Patent Marking

Total Valve Systems is your one solution for all your demanding valve and gauge applications in your facilities, for on-site and in-house service for all brands of pressure relief and all types of process line valves. Coupled with this service work, our full line of in-house manufactured custom valves includes excess flow valves, isolation valves and check valves. We ensure that our technicians are highly trained and experienced. Total Valve Systems is proudly supported by the VR, UV and NB Certificate of Authorization from The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessels and ASME.

This page is intended to serve as notice under 35 U.S.C. ยง 287(a).

Total Valve Systems products

The following U.S. patents apply to Total Valve Systems products, including but not limited to L6 Inc, Total Valve Systems, and TVS Engineered Products.

US Patent Numbers: 9,169,939,11,067,199